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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Appetizers Before Labor Day


Xersex said...

every photo has its charm!

whkattk said...

I thought an appetizer was supposed to quench hunger a bit --- not increase it. LOL.

JiEL said...

Tomorrow, May first, is here in Canada like in France is «Workers Celebration Day» (La Journée des Travailleurs) to celebrate everyone who is a worker.

We like in USA celebrate «Labor Day» (Fête du Travail) at the beginning of September which has a different meaning.

It's there since the 1968 manifestations in France to promote better working conditions for those workers.

SickoRicko said...

This is one of those times I couldn't help myself and filled up on appetizers.

Anonymous said...

También en España

uptonking said...

So many lovelies... but pic #6 please... I would worship him.